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100 parole inglese_3

Le mie prime 150 parole in inglese

7,50 €

ISBN: 9788899721152

Produttore: Primo Volo

 1. The house

 1.a. The house - listen and match

 2. The garden & the garage

 2.a. The garden & the garage - listen and match

 3. At home

 3.a. At home - listen and match

 4. The family

 4.a. The family - listen and match

 5. The body 

 5.a. The body - listen and match

 6. Food & drinks

 6.a. Food & drinks - listen & match

 7. Clotes

 7.a. Clotes - listen & match

 8. Toys

  8.a. Toys - listen & match

 9. Pets

  9.a. Pets - listen & match

 10. Colours

 10.a. Colours - listen and match

 11. Numbers

 11.a. Numbers - listen and match


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